Famous Last Words

I passed The FairyGodBoyfriend in the bathroom yesterday. I was leaving and he was coming in to take a shower. I patted him on the bum and said, “God, I love your butt” before taking my leave. I promptly started picking up the bedroom and collecting laundry, which is a good thing to do when Joe is not present….


The Twelve Rules, Annotated

I have been asked to talk a little bit more about the now-infamous 2010 Christmas Pageant song “The Twelve Rules of Christmas” (Click here to watch on YouTube). Rule#1: No Decorating the Tree I believe this rule originated the first year we moved into the giant house in North Springs…so I was about ten and Soteria was eight. We…


Eleventh Night

Due to…well…life, the Kontis Clan didn’t get to have Christmas until this week. We were all too excited to wait until Three King’s Day (today), so we opened the massive amount of presents (pics to come) and had a lobster feast before playing Cranium so loudly we kept the neighbors up (payback for their annoying dog). Once upon a…


Happy Holidays 2010

Here is the track listing for 2010: 1. Christmas Name Song                                    The Young Americans 2. December ’63 (oh what a night)                      Four Seasons 3. Santa, Santa, Santa                                         Gene Autry 4. Christmastime in Tinseltown                        Big Bad Voodoo Daddy 5. Every Time it Snows                                     Olivia Newton-John (featuring Jon Secada) 6. The Man…


I <3 Seth Green

Hillery, my BFF down under, sent this video to me. You might have seen it before. I am going to share it with you on this fine Sunday morn because: 1.) It makes me smile. Hopefully, it will make you smile too. 2.) I am a geek girl 3.) I am a gamer girl too (tho not as much…


Here They OK Go Again

Why, yes, I do find OK Go’s videos fairly brilliant. The songs are catchy too. Have you seen the new “White Knuckles” video? You can’t just watch it once, because the first time through you’re too busy asking yourself “How the heck did they get those dogs to DO that?” Of course, once I had my fill of this…


If I Could Wave My Magic Wand

1990. Ninth grade. Casey and I were in the midst of our writing heyday. We were churning out poetry and short stories by the truckload–I had a novel in the works, and between us (and Margo and Chris) we had a collaborative novel that was already a legend among our set. We were romantic young teens who bought matching…


Smile Therapy

Having a big sister who married into the Movie Moghul family of Burlington, Vermont means that I’ve had almost unlimited access to free movie posters for the last thirty years. They covered my room growing up — all over my walls (Die Hard II, Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade) and, much to my mother’s chagrin, all over my…


Happy Holidays 2009!

This year’s Happy Holidays CD cover was designed by Bob Kolar, illustrator of Racer Dogs, Big Kicks, and the AlphaOops books. Track listing: 1. “If We Make it Through December” — Merle Haggard 2. “First Train Home” — Imogen Heap 3. “12 Days of Christmas” — Relient K 4. “Susie Snowflake” — Rosemary Clooney 5. “Christmas Gift” — Margie…


Happy Holidays 2008

Playlist for Happy Holidays 2008: Just for Now — Imogen Heap I Won’t Be Home for Christmas — Blink 182 O Christmas Tree — Miles Davis Santa Claus is Coming to Town – Diana Krall My Grown-Up Christmas List — Kelly Clarkson When I Get Home for Christmas — Snow Patrol O Heavenly Day — Patty Griffin This Christmas…