Music Monday (Fairy Tale Edition)

Every Monday while I’m on book tour for Enchanted, I’m going to share a fun music video that features love, fairy tales, magic, or my inspirations. This week’s song is “Fairytale” by Sarah Bareilles. My dear friend Kit McCormick introduced this one to me a couple of years ago. As a Grimm Grrl, I love the lyrics. As a…


Music Monday (Fairy Tale Edition)

Every Monday while I’m on book tour for Enchanted, I’m going to share a fun music video that features love, fairy tales, magic, or my inspirations. I’m kicking this feature off with a supercute song I discovered on the iPod of Fairy Goddaughter the First and fell in love with — “Happily Ever After” by He is We. The…


Music Monday

My dear friends The Adam Ezra Group had all the fans at Brighton Music Hall film their “Basement Song”, and then send it in to be edited into this very cool video. This is one of my favorite songs of AEG’s, but I warn you: There are a LOT of words. Listen carefully. And enjoy! Tweet


The Greatiest Fight of All

I mentioned this story in my RIP message to Whitney Houston on Facebook this morning, and it’s been requested that I expound a bit and tell the whole thing. So here it is: the story of the most infamous, recorded Kontis Sister fight of all time. Once upon a time when there was no call waiting, only five television…


Kiss Quick

I’m working hard on getting the outline for Saturday’s book into my publisher. In the meantime, this song has been going through my head since my birthday — my friend Lauren posted on my FB wall and told me it reminded her of me. You know, it reminds me of me, too. Tweet


Adam Ezra @ Martin’s in Roanoke

Now that I’m hard at work on the sequel to ENCHANTED, there are quite a few things that have moved to the back burner…like fixing up pictures and posting blog entries (the stuff of which keeps popping up in tabs everytime I refresh my browser and driving Joe nuts). So I promised the Fairy Godboyfriend tonight that I’d FINALLY…


Happy Holidays 2011!

This year’s CD artwork was inspired (as so many things are) by two of Janet Lee’s holiday ornaments. They are both available in this year’s 2011 limited edition set at Art & Invention Gallery, as well as on Janet’s own Etsy site (for those of us who don’t live convenient to East Nashville). 1. The Most Wonderful Day Of…



I have a migraine today. Not fun. We’re going to see the Adam Ezra Group in Roanoke tonight, though, so hopefully it will pass by then. I’m armed with Starbucks & Imitrex, and Joe’s driving. In the meantime, I’m giving away boxes of books on Twitter. Go tell me your favorite genre, so I know which hat to put…



It was the first Tori Amos concert I’ve ever been to that I didn’t know all the songs. That was weird. Inevitably, though, there was one song she sang that I didn’t realize I needed to hear until the lyrics gave me goosebumps. “Winter” is a good song, but it probably wouldn’t be on my Top 20 list of…