Arilland International: Spanish

Fairy Tales of Arilland that have been translated into Spanish (and where to find them): Para Que Los Ángeles Vuelen(For Angels to Fly) Translated into Spanish by:Arely Gutierrez 🇲🇽 * Kindle Unlimited * *As an affiliate, I may earn extra $ if you use these links


Arilland International: Greek

For Angels to Fly, Greek Cover featuring a dagger with wings

Fairy Tales of Arilland that have been translated into Greek (and where to find them) ΜΕΧΡΙ ΟΙ ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ ΝΑ ΠΕΤΑΞΟΥΝ(For Angels to Fly) Translated into Greek by Konstantina Stavropoulou & Polydoros Stavropoulos * Apple iBooks Google * *As an affiliate, I may earn extra $ if you use these links


HERO 2024

HERO by Alethea Kontis

ENCHANTED GERMAN EDITION GOFUNDME: CLICK HERE TO HELP US OUT! 🇩🇪 NOW AVAILABLE HERO (main cover, HC dust jacket over rose case laminate) – Amazon | B&N | BookshopHERO (main cover, PB) – Amazon | B&N | BookshopHERO (rose cover, HC case laminate , color interior) – Amazon ExclusiveHERO (rose cover, PB, color interior) – Amazon Exclusive Audiobook…


Arilland International: German

Fairy Tales of Arilland that have been translated into German (and where to find them) Der Einhorn-Jäger(The Unicorn Hunter)e-book Translated into German by Helga Köller Amazon Kindle Apple iBooks Google Kobo B&N / Nook * *As an affiliate, I may earn extra $ if you use these links


Arilland International: Portuguese

Fairy Tales of Arilland that have been translated into Portuguese (and where to find them) Para Anjos Voarem(For Angels to Fly) Translated into Portuguese (Brazilian) by Nathália Lemos and Cida Silva Amazon Kindle Apple iBooks Google Kobo B&N / Nook * *As an affiliate, I may earn extra $ if you use these links