*DeLorean not included

I didn’t see The Princess Bride when it came out in theatres. A rare thing, I know, especially for a kid like me who literally grew up in a theatre. It was my first job at sixteen. I have family in Vermont who own several theatres—every summer when we went to visit, I spent hours theatre hopping (when I…


Blood Oath Reviews

Reviews of a different sort — from the movie that became my second credit on IMDB. (Not only is my name in the opening credits of Blood Oath…it’s even SPELLED CORRECTLY!) Before you read any–or all–of these, just keep one thing in mind: we didn’t set out to produce Shakespeare. We were a bunch of kids in the woods…



You probably think I’m kidding, but I’m not. Yes, Blood Oath is actually available. The movie that I wrote about in Beauty and Dynamite has finally — after almost ten years — been released from Troma Films. You can order it via Amazon (from which I get a very small kickback) if you click on the DVD cover here….


All Jacked Up & Nowhere to Go

Yes, Virginia, Rubber is a real movie. The Fairy GodBoyfriend and I saw the trailer on FIOS’s “On Demand” screen and wondered what the heck it was about, so we ordered it (for far more than it was worth). Apparently we were in a minority–according to the comments left on my Facebook status, a lot of people saw the…


Hatchet II Pulled from AMC

If you haven’t heard the news by now: the press release is out and slasher movie Hatchet II has been yanked from theatres after only three days of its release.The uproar prior to this was director Adam Green’s big fight with the MPAA, because they maintained that the film should have an NC-17 rating. In a nutshell, it went…


Princess Alethea’s Sharktopus Review

I had some of the most fun I’d had in a long time last night. It was a veritable MST3K SharktopusCon on Twitter. Up-to-the-minute popcorn passing up and down the Eastern seaboard as we all tried to outdo each other’s cleverness and summarily died in fits of giggles. My favorite part might have been when Sharktopus himself replied to…


Inglorious Moments

I got out of my Meeting Marathon at work last night just in time to hightail it to the lovely Malco theatre we have here in Smyrna, Tennessee. I missed all the trailers, but I didn’t miss a second of Inglorious Basterds. Quentin Tarantino is the movie geek’s movie geek. I was raised at the movie theatre (literally, as…


The Friendly Skies

(Due to the sheer awesomeness that was "Alethea’s Adventures at BEA 2009, andWhat She Found There", I will begin at the end and go on until I come to the beginning. Because I am the princess and I said so.) ********************************************** The Friendly SkiesMonday June 1, 2009 It’s been said — and I’ve mentioned it before myself — that…