Tell me, did Venus blow your mind?

I present to you a Geek girl’s brief review of Star Trek 2009: I cried at the beginning. I cried at the end. Hell, I almost cried when I heard the voice of the computer. I smiled when Grunny yelled at his "stepson," and when Amanda showed up on the bridge. For all my schoolgirl crush on Zachary Quinto,…


Lee’s First Art Show!

SPRING SHOW 2009: BARELY LEGAL Celebrating 18 years! FRIDAY, MARCH 13 6-10 PM LOCATION: ICON in the Gulch 600 12th Avenue South Suite 4 ONE NIGHT ONLY! FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! ******************************************************************************** All the displaying artists are encouraged to write up an artist’s statement. Here’s mine! * They say you don’t have to be a writer to…


Happy Days Meme Five

Technically it’s not "day five" anymore, but who’s counting? I’ll still make it to eight. Thing that made me happy today: irony. I realized, after going over my exhaustive list of movies this weekend (while on the crosstrainer at the gym working off all those sausage balls), that 1.) most of the films I watched were period pieces which…


It’s All Soteria’s Fault

For Christmas, my sister (who owns this place) sent me a bunch of DVDs. So instead of waking up Saturday morning and calling my family and thanking them properly for my gifts, I finished PS, I Love You (the book) curled up on the couch, and hid from the world for 48 hours…well, until Kelli Dunlap called me and…



Forget Twilight. This is The Movie. It’s been "in development" for at least 15 years. I remember all the Box Office blue sheets from my seven-year stint at The Movies at Polo Road back in the 90s. Rob sent me this picture today. The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind or another…


INVITE Her In, Please.

If you have the opportunity, you need to see Let The Right One In, if only for the scene where Oskar gets Eli to come into his apartment uninvited. A subject that’s not often broached regarding vampires. The film was dark and subtle, and most of the dialogue was spoken with the eyes, so you had plenty of time…