Genre Chick Interview: David Cleary

Today wraps up our final interview of May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival Or Whatever We’re Calling It. It’s been an exceptionally fun ride. I’ll write up all my thoughts about it tomorrow — in the meantime, feel free to wander back through the interview archives and learn more about these friends of mine whom I admire so much….


Genre Chick Interview: Amal El-Mohtar

I had never met Amal El-Mohtar before last weekend. She and Aliette de Boddard kindly offered to let me crash in their room Thursday night (as I had a workshop first thing Friday morning), so I offered to pick them up at the airport. As no geek worth her salt would pick up someone at the airport blind,  I…


Genre Chick Interview: Mary Rodgers

May’s Month of Writers Festival is winding down this Memorial Day weekend — I have been honored to host so many of my fine writing friends here. I hope you’ve enjoyed the company and found some new authors to check out! Today I bring you an interview with my beautiful and talented Nebula Weekend roomie (and fellow Codexian) Mary…


Genre Chick Interview: Eric James Stone

Today, May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview with shiny, hot-off-the-press Nebula Award winner Eric James Stone. Eric and I were Orson Scott Card Boot Camp buddies in 2003, and we both helped Luc Reid and Lawrence Schoen found the Codex Writers Group in 2004. Hard to believe it’s been almost a decade. What a decade…


Genre Chick Interview: Mike Lee

Today, May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview with my dear friend, SF writer Mike Lee. Mike and his wife–you may know her my oft-time collaborator, the award-nominated Janet “J.K.” Lee–have been some of my very best friends for a very long time. Since leaving Tennessee, I miss them dearly. Which makes being able to interview…


Genre Chick Interview: Diana Peterfreund

May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview with another of my fellow WRW writers, fellow unicorn hunter Diana Peterfreund. ************************************ Mac or PC? I’ve been using a Mac since my college newspaper days. But I have a Droid phone. Her name is HALey and she’s thanks to our family plan. My husband is a PC. We…


Genre Chick Interview: Maya Lassiter

May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview with a my friend and fellow Codexian: SF author Maya Lassiter. Maya recently interviewed me on her blog for her “How Writers Do What They Do” series — it’s only polite that I return the favor! ************************************ Mac or PC? Mac. Coffee or Tea? Coffee.  Definitely. Travel the World…


Genre Chick Interview: Leanna Renee Hieber

Dear Month of Writers Blog Festival, It’s really no secret how much I love Leanna Renee Hieber. She’s my kindred spirit, my bosom companion, the Anne to my Diana…and my Dragon*Con roomie. She just had a book come out this month, and her brand new YA series debuts this November. And today, she gets to play our little game,…


Genre Chick Interview: Michelle Willingham

Today the Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview by my fabulous roommate from the recent Washington Romance Writers Retreat here in Leesburg — the stunning and effervescent Michelle Willingham. If you’re into medieval romance–particularly of the Highlands UK version–Michelle is definitely your girl. ************************************** Mac or PC? Definitely a PC. A Mac ate one of my…


Genre Chick Interview: David Steffen

Today, May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview with my friend and fellow Codexian David Steffen. I was the subject of David’s first interview over at Fantasy Magazine back in 2009! Ah, the great circle of a writer’s life… *************************************** Mac or PC? PC, though I’m sure Justin Long is a very nice person. Coffee or…