In Which Princess Alethea Inspires You

I was invited by the Magical Words folks to write four inspirational blog posts, each one posted on a Monday in the month of January. Missed any or all of them? Here are the links for your convenience. Enjoy! ******************** Jan 6th: The Danny Ocean Moment — “Next time you’re stuck in a situation you can’t get out of,…


The Young and the Darkness

I’m over at the Apex blog today talking about “The Young and the Darkness”, otherwise known as Things I am Accused of Being that are Assumed to be Mutually Exclusive. Click here to read “The Young and the Darkness.” We go into the short stories and poetry I loved as a child…and the short stories and poetry I write…


HERO on the Web Today

This weekend’s launch was FABULOUS…pics to come soon! In the meantime, I’ve got some GREAT stuff out there on ye olde intarwebs today: Carrie S. reviewed HERO for Smart Bitches, Trashy Books. The book received a hard-earned B+ from this exceptionally tough review site, and I’m honored! Click on over to see if you agree with her assessment. ***…


Geek Girls and Big Ideas

Today on the HERO Book Tour, we have: My “The Big Idea” essay, hosted by John Scalzi, in which I talk about…well…the big idea behind HERO. Which is always fun! ANd John is a particular hero of MINE, so it’s an honor to have an essay on his site. *** Another one-of-a-kind Fairy Tale Rant Video for, in…


Today’s Blog Offerings

HERO landed in bookstores today, and exploded all over the intarwebs in a big way! *** At the Waterworld Mermaids, I blog about my spectacular, almost supernatural ability to pull off things at the Last Minute. Includes a few stats on Beloved, the first draft of which I finished last night around 11pm. (Click here to read and enter…


Endangered Princess

I write books about people who sometimes fall in love at first sight. Like most writers, I base this on my own personal experience, because I tend to fall in love with people at first sight all the time. It’s one of the things I love best about people: how awesome they are. I also write books about teenage…


Do Not Miss This

I posted a Very Important Essay on the Waterworld Mermaids site today called “How to Lose an Award Without Losing Your Mind.” All you folks who were there with me (in body and spirit) the night of the Nebula Awards — you’re not going to want to miss this one. It’s personal. Which means it’s a good one. xox…


Under the Influence

Tomorrow night is the SFWA Nebula Awards ceremony where the Andre Norton Award will be announced. Only half of the nominees are able to be present (six out of twelve is a pretty good turnout), but it’s definitely going to be a night for me…in particular…to remember. For now, I have one last day of being the shiny, almost-got-it…