HERO landed in bookstores today, and exploded all over the intarwebs in a big way!
At the Waterworld Mermaids, I blog about my spectacular, almost supernatural ability to pull off things at the Last Minute. Includes a few stats on Beloved, the first draft of which I finished last night around 11pm. (Click here to read and enter to win the Blog Tour Basket!)
Over at Mary Robinette Kowal‘s blog, I talk about “My Favorite Bit” of HERO and its Shakespearean origins. I absolutely LOVE this essay. It’s possibly my favorite entry of the tour. (Click here to read!)
The gorgeous Ms. Book Queen has posted her own review of HERO today, in conjunction with a chance to win a signed copy of Enchanted. (Click here to read and enter!)
HERO is Justine Magazine‘s Most Fun Fairy Tale for Teen Read Week! Click here to read some really fun Spark Girl reviews!
Another fabulous review at Library of a Book Witch…by someone who *gets* the old-school fairy tale references!
A really fun interview with MOI over at Tressa’s Wishful Endings! I talk about damsels in distress and my all-time favorite fairy tales.