Guest Blog Up At Magical Words

You’ll have to do some work for your blog post today: “Let The Right One In” is up over at the Magical Words writing blog, so you have to click to get there. If you’re a writer and haven’t bookmarked Magical Words, you should. There is a wealth of fabulous information over there from some fantastic writers, both inside…


Apex Army Recruiting

You enjoy science fiction. You’re addicted to the computer. You’ve got some time on your hands. You like free stuff. Kid, have I got the job for you. Anyone, that’s right, ANYONE can be a member of the Apex Army. There are four ways to do it. 1.) Review some Apex books or stories from the magazine on your…


Bibbidy Bobbidy Byes

This essay is one of the “Lost Blogs” that was discovered in the wildlands of the intarwebs by my friend Eric James Stone after the publication of Beauty & Dynamite. I’m posting it in response to something Kelli wrote recently called “Boyfriend 47,”, an essay ranking the merits (or lack thereof) of the respective Disney princes. Personally, I think…


Growing Up Poe

Edgar Allan Poe would be celebrating his 200th birthday this year. He cast an epic shadow across American fiction; he inspired every last horror writer who came after him; and his fans founded Weird Tales magazine. Weird Tales wondered if Poe still has the same impact today — so in their latest issue, they asked a bevy of dark…