Geek Girls and Big Ideas

Today on the HERO Book Tour, we have:

My “The Big Idea” essay, hosted by John Scalzi, in which I talk about…well…the big idea behind HERO. Which is always fun! ANd John is a particular hero of MINE, so it’s an honor to have an essay on his site.


Another one-of-a-kind Fairy Tale Rant Video for, in which I rant about Petronella and “Master Maid,” the original fairy tales behind HERO (the ones fewer people are apparently familiar with). Click here to watch!


I talk about “The Book Shelf I Can’t Live Without” over at Mel’s Shelves, complete with picture and accompanying list of titles I’d be surprised if you’ve heard of.


And today’s quote…since I’ve been remiss about posting the quotes (but you can always find them all on Tumblr)

A Sword and a Destiny