Gee Whiz, People

My apartment complex is having a writing contest this month. In 25o words or less, you must describe “what healthy living means to you in your neighborhood” and submit it with a picture. The entries will be posted on the internet and put up to public vote. After votes are tallied, the top 4 entrants will receive an iPad….


Author Answers at The Word Nerd

What influences me? What inspires me? What motivates me? What’s captured my attention lately? Who’s this “Genre Chick”? And who’s always telling me to SHUT UP AND WRITE? All these answers (and more! because it’s dreadfully hard to shut me up once I get going) are answered over at The Word Nerd today. Drop on by, find out about…


Genre Chick Interview: Bradley P. Beaulieu

Some of you might remember Brad from last month’s gushing review for his novel The Winds of Khalokovo in my column over at Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. While I had his attention, I thought it would be a great idea to bug Brad with some questions. It’s been a while since I’ve had a Genre Chick Interview…so…



No, silly people. This is not about Charlie Sheen. *sigh* It’s actually about WINNING STUFF. You like to WIN STUFF, don’t you? This month is all about winning stuff. You’ll have to forgive me because I didn’t post this ASAP…because there’s an opportunity to win the grand prize EVERY SINGLE DAY…but you still have half the month left to…


Cooking with Beer

There’s a place in the mall near our apartment called Cookology. It’s a nifty little space dedicated to cooking classes of all shapes and sizes. There are huge picture windows, so that any given time, you can see what’s going on, who’s screwing up, and what’s for dinner. Joe decided it would be a good idea to splurge and…


Reminder: Tsunami Relief

In the wake (no pun intended) of recent events in the Pacific, I’d like to remind everyone that a.) Elemental: The Tsunami Relief Anthology: Stories of Science Fiction and Fantasy is still in print and b.) All proceeds still benefit the Save the Children Foundation. Save the Children currently has relief workers in Japan, helping children in need. If…


The Princess and the Emerald City

I make reference sometimes to living in “The Emerald City,” and to allay confusion, I figured it would be best to clear this up. I live in Northern Virginia, just outside Washington DC. (Outside the Beltway, for those familiar to the area.) As much as I would love to hang with Cherie Priest & Kat Richardson, I do not…



I wish I could have taken a picture of the scene I just passed on the way home from the gym. It’s raining today — I had the hood of my jacket up for a minute, but it was too hot. The cool rain on my face and hair was far more pleasant. As I turned down the terrace…