Happily Ever After

So there’s this amazing book coming out in June that you need to know about. Once Upon A Time… …in the faraway land of Story, a Hugo-winning Editor realized that no one had collected together the fairy tales of the age, and that doorstop-thick anthologies of modern fairy tales were sorely lacking… And so the Editor ventured forth, wandering…


Reminder: Tsunami Relief

In the wake (no pun intended) of recent events in the Pacific, I’d like to remind everyone that a.) Elemental: The Tsunami Relief Anthology: Stories of Science Fiction and Fantasy is still in print and b.) All proceeds still benefit the Save the Children Foundation. Save the Children currently has relief workers in Japan, helping children in need. If…


2020 Visions Now Available!

Hooray! The 2020 Visions anthology, edited by Rick Novy, is now available on Amazon! This volume of near-future SF stories (so near that you’ll actually be around for them when they happen), includes my story “Pocket Full of Posey.” I can’t wait to get my hands on my contributor copy. I love this cover. Get 2020 Visions now, in…


2020 VISIONS Cover Art & Preorder Info

The picture above is a proof of the 2020 VISIONS cover image by artist Jonathon Fowler, inspired by Alex Wilson‘s story “Nervewrecking.” I’m a big fan of Alex, and now a pretty big fan of Jonathan, too. The titles and whatnot will be added soon, but I love seeing the art before all the text is put on top….


Limited Edition Princess

I have been notified that Zero Gravity, one of the anthologies I’m in this year from Pill Hill Press, has been selected to be released as one of their Limited Edition Hardcovers. These Limited Editions are only available from the Pill Hill website (click here). They are available through December 31st, 2010. Zero Gravity will be available in late…


Dark Futures Now Available!

Trade paperback, 278 pages of dystopian SF…Dark Futures is here! Lost track of which short story this is? Me too. (That’s why I keep this blog.) Inside Dark Futures is “Black Hole Sun”, my short story collaboration with Kelli Dunlap. According to the online bookstores, Dark Futures is already available. (only $10.76 at Amazon and B&N) Isn’t technology great?…


China: Yeah, We Already Knew About That

By now you’ve heard if it — China’s massive 11-day-and-counting gridlock traffic jam. It apparently started with an overabundance of cargo-bearing trucks and was compounded by road construction. There’s already a microcosm blossoming with its own population and economic system of supply and demand. And more importantly…where are these poor people going to the bathroom? Some of you may…


2020 Visions ToC

Rick Novy has posted the Table of Contents for his 2020 Visions anthology: 1. Mary Robinette Kowal – Birthright 2. Sheila Finch – The Persistence of Butterflies 3. Randy Henderson – A Shelter for Living Things 4. Jason S. Ridler – Showing Light 5. Ernest Hogan – Radiation is Groovy, Kill the Pigs 6. David Lee Summers – The…


LEGENDS 4 Now Available for Preorder

It’s here! It’s here! Well…almost. Click here to preorder Legends of the Mountain State 4: More Ghostly Tales From the State of West Virginia. It’s an honor to be in this anthology — reportedly the last in Michael Knost’s successful West Virginia regional ghost series. My story is called “Blue & Gray and Black & Green” and is based…