Trade paperback, 278 pages of dystopian SF…Dark Futures is here!
Lost track of which short story this is? Me too. (That’s why I keep this blog.)
Inside Dark Futures is “Black Hole Sun”, my short story collaboration with Kelli Dunlap.
According to the online bookstores, Dark Futures is already available. (only $10.76 at Amazon and B&N) Isn’t technology great?
Kelli and I will begin Tweeting the end of the world from Seth and Sunnie‘s Twitter accounts on September 30th. Follow us on Twitter to continue their story, or type in hashtag #blackholesun (which I swear I will try to remember to do).
Not had enough fiction with Soundgarten titles? There’s a great book with the same title out this summer: Black Hole Sun by fabulous YA author David Macinnis Gill. I loved Soul Enchilada
and can’t wait to sink my teeth into this one. It’s got space crabs!!
What can I say? Great minds think alike. (About the title, of course. Not the crabs…)
“bout the title, of course. Not the crabs…)”
I dunno. That critter on your cover looks distinctly crabesque.
OMG — that is SO TRUE.
Guess Space Crabs are “in”. You’re such a trendsetter.