Princess Alethea’s Power Salad

I keep making these salads and eating them before I remember to take a picture. OOPS. 🙂 My family has always eaten salads. When I was a kid, my salad consisted of cucumbers, with Creamy Cucumber dressing (which, of course, Kraft doesn’t make in the US anymore…but apparently you can still get it in Canada). I hated the lettuce–I…


Princess Alethea’s Book Tour Diet

First of all, I want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who stopped by here and shared their love, as well as my friends on FB and Twitter. I am a Princess who cherishes her Brute Squad proudly…and I know that Mom for one will be thrilled to see such an outpouring of support here on my…


In Which Princess Alethea Gets Fat-Shamed

Yup. You read that right. In all my 37 years on this planet, I have never before had a fat-shamer doctor. Oh, I’d heard stories about them, horrible stories…but like all the other stories like these, I never thought it would happen to *me*. This guy is my GP –I’m not someone who gets sick all the time (just…


Princess Alethea Rants About Snow White

SPECIAL FAERIECON EAST EDITION: In Which Author Princess Alethea discusses the original Grimms’ Fairy Tale “Snow White” and BONUS CLIP, featuring Jim Butcher demonstrating the Old School Fae gang sign that Leanna and I instituted this year at Dragon Con. Yeah…it’s entirely possible we had too much fun. BUT ISN’T THAT THE POINT?!? Enjoy! Tweet


New Books Released!

Boy…this last bit of the year has suddenly seen FOUR books released with me in them. I feel all shiny and popular. In fact, when I get home from FaerieCon on Sunday, I’ll be buying myself some flowers to celebrate! Hero you know about…goodness knows I’ve been talking it up enough this year. The second is my collection WILD…


My FaerieCon East 2013 Schedule

Yes, indeed, the rumors are true — I will be in attendance at FaerieCon East in Hunt Valley, MD this weekend! Here’s my schedule of events: Friday: 3:00-3:45 Meet the Authors (Salon A) 5:00-6:00 Author Tea and Meet and Greet (Writing Workshop Room) Saturday: 1:15-2:15 A Little Bit of Everything with Princess Alethea (Writing Workshop Room) 3:00-3:45 Autographing (Bookstore)…


I Am Strange

…along with a slew of other awesome people. This was a mission put together by my friends Monte Cook and Shanna Germain — to check out the website, support the effort, and celebrate your own special strangeness, CLICK HERE. Featured Strange People (in order of appearance): Bruce Cordell · Jay Lake · Cat Rambo Lee Moyer · Kurt Busiek…


What Do You Do with a Drawing Princess?

Happy Guy Fawkes Day, everyone! Today is my absolute favorite holiday, and it’s all because of a book. Before Harry Potter was a glimmer in Jo Rowling’s eye, there was a little book called Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones. It remains one of my favorite books to this day. One day I will be in England for Bonfire…