MoAA Interview #14: Lea Nolan

Today, MoAA is proud to present YA author Lea Nolan! ******************* Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? Lea Nolan: Making stuff up! In my other life, I’m a part-time health policy researcher and college instructor, which requires precision and very strict attention to details in law and policy. Borrrring! Trust me, it’s much more fun to create…


MoAA Interview #13: Fran Wilde

Today, MoAA is proud to present author Fran Wilde! *************************** Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? Fran Wilde: Being swept up by the story. AK: What’s the worst thing about writing? FW: Distractions. AK: Finish this sentence: “Writing is like…” FW: Writing is like painting a mural while running a marathon, while baking a pie, all while…


MoAA Interview #12: Delbert Hewitt, Jr.

Today, MoAA is proud to present my friend from Heroes*Con, artist Del Hewitt Jr.! ********************* Alethea Kontis: What’s your preferred medium? Delbert Hewitt, Jr: My medium of choice is ole pencil and comic book board lol! I do paint with acrylics from time to time. I usually do all my commissioned portraits in acrylics on watercolor paper. I’m dying…


MoAA Interview #11: Heather Brewer

Today, MoAA is proud to present Fabulous Gentleperson Extraordinaire: HEATHER BREWER. Heather is one of my soul sisters. I honestly can’t remember if I met her in person first (Dragon*Con) or online, and I feel like I’ve known about her Slayer Chronicles series forever. Once she was in my life she was always there, with her Gargy and her…


MoAA Interview #10: Sarah Hans

Today’s MoAA features the lovely and talented Sarah Hans, editor of the fabulous new cohort-anthology, SIDEKICKS. Sidekicks: We know them, and we ignore them. They sit courtside, they wait in the shadows, they ride on the coattails. They have nothing to offer. Or do they? Heroes and heroines perform world shaking deeds, but sidekicks? Sidekicks are the unseen glue…


MoAA Interview #9: Jane Porter

Today’s MoAA interview is with the fabulous, magical, and zen Jane Porter. I met Jane when she gave her talk at the Washington Romance Writers Retreat. I think it was a discussion we were all taken with — so many I’ve been forced to witness talk about e-publishing and self-publishing…Jane’s was one of the first I’ve been to in…


MoAA Interview #8: Erin Dealey

Erin Dealey is a bright star who shines in the same sky with me at the East/West Literary Agency. She and I hit it off very recently because she manages the @EastWestLit Twitter feed…and I’m quite the prolific Tweeter myself. Turns out, Erin was a Math major who graduated with a degree in English. I was a writer who…


MoAA Interview #7: Leah Bobet

Wow, Leah Bobet is Gorgeous and Tall. This is the thought that popped into my mind when I first spotted her across the room at this year’s Nebula Awards weekend. We’d become friends online after our nomination for the Andre Norton Award, but matching a real-life face to an avatar is always a lovely surprise. (I Tweeted Leah and…


MoAA Interview #6: Emily Jiang

I met Emily Jiang in San Jose at this year’s Nebula Awards Weekend. The group we were with all hiked to a restaurant for lunch and Emily and I sat across from each other. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to fall in love with a person. The minute I found out Emily wrote (and sang!), I asked her to…


MoAA Interview #5: Justin Macumber

I met Justin Macumber on a podcast. (Isn’t the 21st Century Wonderful?) Justin was the guest host on Dave Robison’s Writers Roundtable when I was asked on as the guest author. Together we all workshopped a story by Lauren Harris. I was really struck by Justin’s insight into the story–the comments he made were incredibly logical and seemed spot-on…