MoAA Interview #22: Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Happy Monday, all! Today, MoAA is proud to present author Sylvia Spruck Wrigley! You can read her most recent story “Alive, Alive Oh” now at Lightspeed Magazine. **************** Princess Alethea: What’s the best thing about writing? Sylvia Spruck Wrigley: Finishing. I’m easily distracted and find it hard to see projects through. I enjoy having written more than I enjoy…


Sunday Bonus!

Are you having a fabulous summer so far? Me too. Know what goes good with summer? Beaches. And you know what goes great with beaches? MERMAIDS. Bonnie Wagner asked me to do a guest Mermaid post for her blog to celebrate “Splash Into Summer”, so I let her post my original flash fiction story “Well Behaved Mermaids Rarely Make…


MoAA Interview #21: Michael Banks

Today, MoAA presents artist Michael Banks! I met Michael at last year’s HeroesCon–like Bianca, he was our table neighbor. (And of course, he and Bianca know each other from way back!) It’s funny…being behind tables at a comic con is a bit like being in the trenches (albeit very nice trenches). You form bonds with really great people you…


MoAA Interview #20: Nicholas Beatty

Today, MoAA is proud to present Nicholas Beatty! Nicholas and I have one very important thing in common: THE GOOPS. Not too many people these days are familiar with the creeptastical work of the esteemed Gelett Burgess, but his books were my bread & butter growing up as a kid. I knew about Goops before I read Dr. Seuss…


Friday Bonus!

Happy Friday, everyone! A special bonus for you folks today (and for Mom, in case she doesn’t see this until Saturday) — I have been asked to do some narration for Cast of Wonders! So, from time to time, you’ll be able to pop on and hear me read a fabulous young adult fantasy story handpicked by some very…


MoAA Interview #19: Tamatha Hollingsworth

Today, MoAA is very proud to present Tamatha Hollingsworth! I met Tammy at a Local Author Book Fair at the Cascades Library earlier this year. Technically, I met Cora first, while all us big people were setting up our booths. Imagine my surprise when I discovered she was THE Cora from Taye and Cora Save the Earth! My very…


MoAA Interview # 18: Bianca Roman-Stumpff

Sometimes neighbors make the best of friends! MoAA today stars Bianca Roman-Stumpff, my new BFF from this year’s HeroesCon. Her art is amazing and playful and colorful and deep…and I bought out almost all her fairy tale collection. She’ll be doing something fun with the Woodcutter Sisters soon, so be sure to pay attention to this gal. She’s FABULOUS!!!…


MoAA Interview #17: TL Costa

I met TL this year at the RWA booth at BEA and talked her through her very first book signing. It was a bonding experience for both of us! I am so very proud to present today’s MoAA interview with TL Costa! ************ Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? TL Costa: Being able to experience the world…


MoAA Interview #16: Jessica Arnold

Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? Jessica Arnold: Writing is absolute power. If you end a story with “and then they all got hit by a bus,” that’s exactly what happens. Life may be complicated and restrictive, but when you write up a new world, you set your own rules. You can truly let your imagination run…


MoAA Interview #15: E.C. Myers

Our MoAA subject today is Eugene (E.C.) Myers. Yes, THAT Eugene Myers, the one who stole this year’s Andre Norton Award right out from under my nose (and Leah’s nose, and Sarah’s nose, and Jenn’s nose…). But here’s the thing, Mom — you can’t hate Eugene, because he’s a really awesome guy. We became really good friends in about…