MoAA Interview #11: Heather Brewer

Today, MoAA is proud to present Fabulous Gentleperson Extraordinaire: HEATHER BREWER.

Heather is one of my soul sisters. I honestly can’t remember if I met her in person first (Dragon*Con) or online, and I feel like I’ve known about her Slayer Chronicles series forever. Once she was in my life she was always there, with her Gargy and her optimism and her awesome hair, and I’m not sure how I existed without her.

She and I emailed each other about the Less Than Three anti-bullying conference on the same day. Needless to say, I’ll be there with bells on. And I believe she’ll be at Dragon*Con again this year, hopefully long enough to stop by for more than a hug.

Auntie Heather is just 100% wonderful, and I don’t get to spend enough time with her. But this time, when she offered to stop by, I wanted to make sure I shared a little of her sunshine with you.

Also, she has incredible taste in trees.


Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing?

Heather Brewer: I LOVE THIS FACE. Heather Brewer: For me, the best thing about writing is that when I sit down to do so, the rest of the world falls away, leaving me in another world, another life, where my problems are no longer my own. Much like reading, writing provides me with a sense of escapism.

AK: What’s the worst thing about writing?

HB: Having to stop in the middle of an intense scene to deal with mundane tasks (errands, laundry, etc.). Sometimes living in the pretend is just better than reality.

AK: Finish this sentence: “Writing is like…”

HB: Therapy. 🙂

AK: If you could write anywhere in the world, where would it be?

HB: An abandoned asylum. I’ve always had a crush on them.

AK: Pick five words to describe your latest work.

HB: (THIRD STRIKE): Santa Carla, Henry, killer, Em.

AK: Pick five words to describe you.

HB: Funky, silly, loyal, honest, real.

Third StrikeAK: What’s your favorite type of tree?

HB: It’s a tie, actually. I love white birch trees, but there’s something to be said about a good, sturdy oak.

AK: What were you like in high school?

HB: I was pretty quiet, very misunderstood, and lonely. Very lonely.

AK: If you could give one piece of advice (writing or otherwise), what would it be?

HB: You are better than you think you are, and capable of more than you give yourself credit for. Trust me, and go do awesome stuff.

AK: The Colin Harvey Memorial Question: What are 3 things you’d like to do before you die?

1. Meet Stephen King (I do have a first edition copy of CARRIE, autographed to me, but still).

2. Travel extensively (meeting Minions everywhere I go as I explore the world).

3. Get behind the wheel of a ’67 Camaro.


Heather Brewer ( doesn’t believe in happy endings, unless they involve blood. An anti-bullying advocate and dynamic public speaker, Auntie Heather has connected personally with her fans, who call themselves her Minions. She lives near St. Louis, Missouri with her family.

Look for The Slayer Chronicles: THIRD STRIKE (release date February 20, 2014)

In the final book of THE SLAYER CHRONICLES trilogy, Slayer Joss McMillan is assigned to his hometown to track down and take out a murderous vampire. But vampires aren’t the only things Joss has to deal with this summer: his girl-crazy cousin Henry is staying with him, and hates Joss for trying to kill his best friend Vladimir Tod. Sirus, former mentor and supposedly dead vampire, is casting a shadow on Joss’s every turn. And Kat, Joss’s old friend, is in town and bent on revenge for past wrongs. Yet none of this even compares to the devastating secret Joss discovers about the murder of his sister, Cecile.

In a story full of unexpected revelations, it is up to Joss to protect the ones he loves and discover the truth about his sister’s death – even if it means paying the ultimate price.