MoAA Interview #31: Geoffrey Girard

There are some people in this life who are just meant to be present at pivotal moments, as if the universe put them there to witness that yes, this thing happened, and it happened to you. Those people become legends in your memories, almost surreal and dreamlike. Geoffrey Girard is one of my legends. We met at some tiny…


MoAA Interview #30: Lesley Conner

Once Upon a Time, Princess Alethea traveled to a neighboring kingdom to have tea with her friends: Queen Quinn and the lady knight, Sir Bradley. “This tea is lovely,” Princess Alethea complimented her guests, “and these cakes are quite divine.” “They are made by a local fairy here,” said Queen Quinn. “Her name is Lesley. She does all sorts…


MoAA Interview #29: Natalie Dias Lorenzi

Today, MoAA presents superawesome author Natalie Dias Lorenzi! ******************* Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? Natalie Dias Lorenzi: When the words flow from brain to fingertips to keyboard. AK: What’s the worst thing about writing? NDL: Staring at a white screen with a blinking cursor and no words flowing from fingertips to keyboard. AK: Finish this sentence:…


MoAA Interview #28: Jennifer Brozek

Today, MoAA features author Jennifer Brozek! ******************** Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? Jennifer Brozek: The best thing about writing is that it’s the best temporary cure I know for whatever ails me. Angry, sad, in pain? All of that goes away when I’m in the writing zone. I love the fact that I can lose myself…


The Greatest Story

In an effort to spend more time on Tumblr, I have discovered (thanks to Alma Katsu’s social media roundup) some fabulous quote-making websites…and I’m having a blast. Yeah, yeah…I know…now I have to go back to WRITING NOVELS…


MoAA Interview #27: A.B. Westrick

Today, MoAA presents fabulous fellow children’s author A. B. Westrick! ******************** Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? A.B. Westrick: Achieving clarity of thought. AK: What’s the worst thing about writing? ABW: The process is slow. AK: Finish this sentence: “Writing is like…” ABW: breathing. The more you do it, the more alive you feel. AK: If you…


MoAA Interview #26: John Klima

Today, MoAA presents SF editor John Klima! ************* Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about editing? John Klima: Working with amazing authors. Seeing the finished project after all the hard work. AK: What’s the worst thing about editing? JK: Deadlines. AK: Finish this sentence: “Editing is like…” JK: Editing is like finding that fine line the runs among being…


MoAA Interview #25: Vanessa Barger

Today, MoAA is proud to present Vanessa Barger! **************** Alethea Kontis: What’s the best thing about writing? Vanessa Barger: The best thing about writing? Tough question. I think it’s being able to escape into my own head, and bring out those characters and share them with everyone else. The ability to create something that I enjoy and share it…


MoAA Interview #24: Gra Linnaea

Today, MoAA is proud to present SF author Gra Linnaea! **************** Princess Alethea: What’s the best thing about writing? What’s the worst thing about writing? Finish this sentence: “Writing is like…” Gra Linnaea: This may seem like a cliché, but writing is like a drug. No, seriously. I can’t think of any other non-physical action that gives me such…


MoAA Interviews #23: Ellen Oh

I met Ellen Oh through a local YA writers/readers/bloggers group on Facebook, though I’d been hearing her name in certain circles (doesn’t that sound ominous?) before then. When I dropped her a line, turns out she’d been hearing my name too…she’s a fan of Enchanted! So, obviously, we were meant to be best friends. *grin* Ellen is speaking at…