Happy Book Birthday, Dear HERO!

There will be a lot more from me on the intarwebs later, now that I’ve finished the manuscript for Beloved (*fanfare*), but first I’m gonna relax a bit. Right after I say… HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY, HERO!


ENCHANTED now in Paperback!

I am proud to announce the birth of MY VERY FIRST NOVEL OUT IN PAPERBACK today! Please buy ten copies for yourself and a few for all your friends. Make sure your local library has one, and your school library, and your kid’s classroom. Then tell everybody you know.  WE CAN HIT THE NEW YORK TIMES, PEOPLE! Also, the…


YALSA 2013 Best Fiction for Young Adults

From the YALSA site: Each year, YALSA presents the Best Fiction for Young Adults list after ALA’s Midwinter Meeting. This year’s list of 102 books was drawn from 200 official nominations. The books, recommended for ages 12-18, meet the criteria of both good quality literature and appealing reading for teens. The list comprises a wide range of genres and…


She’s Back, Baby!

That’s right — I’m back from Dragon*Con, the Internet is back up, and now my website is cooperating so I can post again! Of course, I still have that pesky bookstore day job (and Fairy Goddaughter the Elder’s Birthday) so you won’t get all the info at once…but you’re okay with that, and I thank you for your patience….


Sale: SUNDAY (the novel) to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Here it is, everybody, the big announcement you’ve been waiting for! It’s official: my debut novel SUNDAY has been bought by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for publication! From Publisher’s Lunch: NYT bestselling co-author Alethea Kontis’s Young Adult novel debut, SUNDAY, about the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, youngest sister to the other six days of the weeks, who writes…