In the Company of Writers — Part One

I woke up my car this morning. It’s unique to those of is seasoned conventionistas, that grumbly sound your vehicle makes when you turn the key and politely ask it to dust off the cobwebs and rub the three-day sleep out of its gears. It’s a beautiful sound, full of shiny memories and the anticipation of seeing my own…


The Princess and the Emerald City

I make reference sometimes to living in “The Emerald City,” and to allay confusion, I figured it would be best to clear this up. I live in Northern Virginia, just outside Washington DC. (Outside the Beltway, for those familiar to the area.) As much as I would love to hang with Cherie Priest & Kat Richardson, I do not…


One Guy Can’t Ruin It For Everybody

I have seen a couple of double rainbows in my life, during very important times in my life. It’s one of those signs I feel the universe gives me to remind me that it hasn’t lost track of me — I’m on the right path, doing exactly what I’m supposed to do with my life. And then some dorky…


So Full of It

/ Lee: So is “Chock Full o’Nuts” just nuts, or is it something with nuts? Della: There are no nuts at all in it. It’s coffee. Lee: Is it made with nuts? Della: No. Lee: Does it taste like nuts? Della: Nope. Lee: Then why is it “Chock Full?” Della: I keep meaning to Google it and find out….


Graduating to Pointy Objects

Back in the Ivory Tower, roller skating was my poison–no, not poison…it was the rapunzel I cultivated in my garden until it flourished green and tempting to naive passersby. But the tower crumbled–as towers do when self-rescuing princesses have access to dynamite–and I made my journey Over the Rainbow. I spent some time healing in Munchkinland before I put…