While I was doing the YouTube research on my Making Money blog post yesterday, I came across something very fun.
Out of curiosity, I typed “Alethea Kontis” into the YouTube search function to see if any of my videos or deleted scenes (or interviews at Dragon*Con, or fan videos of various panels) came up first.
Surprisingly, what came up first — with almost 600 views! — was this video review of Enchanted from the incredibly cute girl at Reading Rhino. (“Oh, I’m a girl…in a forest…” LOL) Happily and wonderfully, ReadingRhino gives Enchanted a 10 out of 10!
*happy dance*
Thank you, ReadingRhino!
Check out the SUPERCUTE review here for yourself!
That was certainly a great video! I agree with everything she said! About the cover, I have to say it is one of the prettiest YA ones I’ve seen. It would definitely stand out to me in a book store (like the girl in this video said) but even the spine was beautiful! Now the reason I mention that is because I work at a library, and if the spine of the book isn’t catchy I don’t usually notice it squished into the shelf. 😉
This is one of the reasons I am SO GLAD Enchanted has a gorgeous spine. I think more art departments should concentrate on spine art.