New Videos

It’s been a busy week leading up the Florida move (I say, from a balcony window seat currently overlooking Niagara Falls) — I’ve posted lots of things all over the intarwebs, but I’ve been remiss about linking them on the blog. So here you go! Last Monday’s Fairy Tale Rant (remember, if you’d like to pitch in and donate…


Princess Alethea Rants About Rumpelstiltskin

Good morning, my darlings! On this lovely first day of the HERO BLOG TOUR (*fanfare*), we bring to you the awesomeness that is one of Princess Alethea’s Classic Fairy Tale Rants. Deb from Debz’s Bookshelf requested specifically that I rant about one of her favorites, “Rumpelstiltskin.” And I had so much fun, I once again thought, “Hey…I should really…


ENCHANTED Book Trailer

This one wasn’t made by me — it was done by a fan, completely without my knowledge. Which is why you always need to sign up for Google Alerts…because THIS IS EPICALLY AWESOME. I encourage you all to visit YouTube and tell her how much you love it too!


MoA&A Interview #31: Zoraida Córdova

So here we are…the very last day of July’s Month of Artist & Author interviews! It’s been another super-fun ride. I’ve been honored to host such amazing creators. As always, I encourage you to check them out.  If you missed any, don’t worry, you can still find them all on the Interviews Tab. I was *this* close to letting…


10 out of 10!

While I was doing the YouTube research on my Making Money blog post yesterday, I came across something very fun. Out of curiosity, I typed “Alethea Kontis” into the YouTube search function to see if any of my videos or deleted scenes (or interviews at Dragon*Con, or fan videos of various panels) came up first. Surprisingly, what came up…