Enchanted 2024

So many choices and all of them beautiful! Yes, Virginia, there are TWO new covers of Enchanted…and also black & white and color interiors. And because some retailers have trouble listing them all on the same page for some reason ๐Ÿ™„, we have compiled all those links here for your convenience. Who knows? Maybe you’ll want to just buy…


List of Fairy Tales Referenced in Enchanted

Because I get asked this so many times–and because I have the audiobook to refresh my memory–here’s a handy-dandy list for you. I am sure this is incomplete, but at the very least, these are all the stories I meant to include ON PURPOSE. List of Fairy Tales, Nursery Rhymes, and Classic Fantasy Novels Referenced in Enchanted (in order…


New Videos

It’s been a busy week leading up the Florida move (I say, from a balcony window seat currently overlooking Niagara Falls) — I’ve posted lots of things all over the intarwebs, but I’ve been remiss about linking them on the blog. So here you go! Last Monday’s Fairy Tale Rant (remember, if you’d like to pitch in and donate…


Princess Alethea and the Power of Words

As promised, here is the small speech I gave at the World Book Night Givers Reception last night at Gum Springs Library. xox ********************** “Words have power.” This phrase was said by Mama Woodcutter to her youngest daughter Sunday, in my novel Enchanted. Words have power. We all know this to be true…of course, in my book, I took…


WBN Loves Enchanted!

ENCHANTED is sponsoring the World Book Night Twitter feed today! If you’re on Twitter, tell @WBNAmerica your favorite fairy tale, using the hashtag #WBNLoves — and thank you for the love! xox Tweet


Enchanted is WBN’s Book of the Day!

World Book Night might not be here until April 23rd…but that doesn’t mean the World Book Night folks can’t celebrate every day until then! Today, Enchanted has been selected as the Book of the Day. All day today on the WBN Facebook page and the WBN Twitter account (@wbnamerica / #BookOfTheDay), we will be celebrating ENCHANTED. Stop by, spread…


Today’s Blog Offerings

HERO landed in bookstores today, and exploded all over the intarwebs in a big way! *** At the Waterworld Mermaids, I blog about my spectacular, almost supernatural ability to pull off things at the Last Minute. Includes a few stats on Beloved, the first draft of which I finished last night around 11pm. (Click here to read and enter…