Anthology Bulder is this really cool website, created several years ago by my friend & fellow Codexian Nancy Fulda.
For only $14.95, you can create your own anthology from a vast archive of previously published stories form your favorite authors…or authors you’d like to try out. Going to a convention? Create a custom anthology of guests who will be there and get them to sign it…like Nancy did for Nebula Awards Weekend this year.
It’s the Mixed CD of print-on-demand short story collections. And the best part? Every time you choose an author’s story, they get a royalty.
I have enough short stories on Anthology Builder to even have a small, little-known collection of my own — Magic and Monsters.
But my stories crop up on other Tables of Contents from time to time — most recently, my infamous vampire little mermaid story “Blood and Water” (with pirates!) was included in the featured anthology From the Shadows.
Jim Fox asked me a few brief questions about the story (and a few other fun tidbits) to post over on the Anthology Builder blog.
Do be sure to click on over and drop by…especially if you don’t know what Charlie’s real name is…