Anthology Builder Interview

Anthology Bulder is this really cool website, created several years ago by my friend & fellow Codexian Nancy Fulda. For only $14.95, you can create your own anthology from a vast archive of previously published stories form your favorite authors…or authors you’d like to try out. Going to a convention? Create a custom anthology of guests who will be…


Magic & Monsters

Last month, I was egged on by both the Fairy GodBoyfriend and J.T. Ellison to get some of my short story backlist available for the Kindle and Nook. (Which I succumbed to peer pressure and did, thank you very much.) But there do still exist people in the world who do not have — for one reason or another…


Genre Chick Interview: Nancy Fulda

Today my writerly victim is Nancy Fulda, Phobos Award winner and creator of the phenomenal Anthology Builder website (on which I am a Featured Author this month — create an anthology including one of my stories and get $1 off!). Nancy is a true wunderkind — and as she lives in Germany, I am completely justified in saying that….


Interview with Nancy Fulda

The writers group of which I am a long standing member (the Codex Writers) has been hosting The Codex Blog Tour. A bunch of the members have been hosting interviews and guest blogs with other members on their sites–much like a progressive dinner party, only it’s a traveling sideshow (with which I’m a tad more familiar). If you’d like…