In Which Charlie Rules the World

Yes, I am a grown woman who sleeps with a teddy bear. In fact, that teddy bear is so famous, he’s in my professional author bio. “Born in Burlington, Vermont, Alethea makes the best baklava you’ve ever tasted and sleeps with a teddy bear named Charlie.” Today in USA Today’s Happy Ever After Blog, Joyce Lamb interviewed a bunch…


Princess Unbound

I have another fun and quirky interview today — my hosts are the lovely bloggers at Pages Unbound. I also get to answer my favorite question: the “is there anything we forgot to ask you?”, or what I like to call The Blank Check. What did I decide to ask myself on this particular occasion? There’s only one way…


Anthology Builder Interview

Anthology Bulder is this really cool website, created several years ago by my friend & fellow Codexian Nancy Fulda. For only $14.95, you can create your own anthology from a vast archive of previously published stories form your favorite authors…or authors you’d like to try out. Going to a convention? Create a custom anthology of guests who will be…


These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

On Saturday, the WRW had yet another amazing meeting, this month featuring fabulous guest host Barbara Samuel. She presented us with two workshops–one before lunch, and one after our official meeting–about voice and the heroine’s journey, respectively. For the voice workshop, Barbara ran us through a series of times writing exercises — sprints, if you will — that were…


Interview with Nancy Fulda

The writers group of which I am a long standing member (the Codex Writers) has been hosting The Codex Blog Tour. A bunch of the members have been hosting interviews and guest blogs with other members on their sites–much like a progressive dinner party, only it’s a traveling sideshow (with which I’m a tad more familiar). If you’d like…


Exit 75, I’m still alive

(Okay — technically I’m at Exit 76, but that’s how the song goes.) The area right off Exit 76 is like a war zone. You used to take a left and stop at a traffic light right in front of the new hotel…there’s not a traffic light there anymore. I don’t mean it’s out — I mean IT’S GONE. You…