The writers group of which I am a long standing member (the Codex Writers) has been hosting The Codex Blog Tour. A bunch of the members have been hosting interviews and guest blogs with other members on their sites–much like a progressive dinner party, only it’s a traveling sideshow (with which I’m a tad more familiar).
If you’d like to see the entire Big Top and Three Ring Circus that’s been going on, you can click on over to the Codex Blog Tour website, which has a list of what’s been where and when.
You’re also welcome to just keep tuning in right here — while I may be a bit of a late Princess to the Party, I plan on screwing my tiara to the sticking place and muddying my fancy party in the deep waters. Look for some fun and excitement here the next few weeks, folks. It’ll be a blast…and hopefully introduce you to some amazing and talented authors you may have never heard of…or ones you only *think* you know.
Nancy Fulda has the advantage here — she’s already posted an interview with me on her site that was picked up by SF Signal (thanks, guys!) and noted in their tidbits entry with a cover of Beauty & Dynamite.
You guys might know Nancy as the founder of the Anthology Builder site. What? You’ve never heard of Anthology Builder? You need to get your heiny there right now and check it out — especially if you’re going to a convention anytime soon. It’s like a site where you can make your own mixed tape…only you can make your own anthology! That’s right…mix and match form the available stories, choose your own cover and title…and voila! A one-of-a-kind, personalized souvenir that everyone can autograph.
I’ve got a few stories in the ranks there. Don’t know which ones? Hop on over and check it out.
We’ll have more about Nancy later…right now, I’m going to direct you to that short & fun interview she did with me. Find out how “Sunday” the short story differs from Sunday the novel, what I’m nervous about, and the history behind Charlie the teddy bear.