I am very happy to announce my most recent fiction sale — a wicked awesome little story called “Pocket Full of Posey” that I wrote for fellow Codexian Rick Novy. He’s editing M-Brane’s 2020 VISIONS anthology (pub date TBA). The theme of the anthology is stories set in the not-too-distant future — namely, 2020. It’s a title that begs for some fun.
I had a LOT of fun writing this particular story (you may have seen me squee about it on Twitter while I was doing it). It’s about a girl named Rosalyn who goes back to her ten-year high school reunion, on orders from her therapist, to make amends with the members of her Kill List — the kids in school who made her life hell and deserved to die. (We all had one of those, didn’t we? Yeah, you did. Don’t try to act cool.)
Props go out to my Fairy Goddaughters for teenage advice straight from the horses’ mouths — I repaid them by naming all the Kill List members after their friends. (Yes, I even made Aimee a cheerleader. No, I will not apologize for art.) But Posey, our main character’s totem pocket garden gnome, was all my creation.
So you’ll imagine my surprise when I stumbled across this gnome while looking for pictures to go along with this blog. Kimmel Gnomes calls her “Posie.” Too perfect! (And not a little bit creepy.)
I can’t wait for this antho to come out. You guys are going to love this story. And I can’t wait for the rest of the ToC for this anthology to be released…I’ve heard it’s a doozy!