An interview in which Rich Dansky calls me a really cool person, and I proceed to act like a Geek Extraordinaire.
[Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Lee? Really?!? *smacks forehead*]
An interview in which Rich Dansky calls me a really cool person, and I proceed to act like a Geek Extraordinaire.
[Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Lee? Really?!? *smacks forehead*]
Ha! You know you got super bonus geek points for coming up with that in 1/2 of a second yesterday!
Yeah, that felt pretty damn awesome. I hope I impressed Ruth. π
Ha! You know you got super bonus geek points for coming up with that in 1/2 of a second yesterday!
Yeah, that felt pretty damn awesome. I hope I impressed Ruth. π
Great interview, and finally, I know where you got your tiara! π
Great interview, and finally, I know where you got your tiara! π