Geek Joy

The Playstation Network has finally made Final Fantasy VII and IX available on Playstation Classics. I am in complete geek love. The FairyGodboyfriend wonders if me killing bad guys all weekend constitutes me being technically “off the grid.” You think about that a minute. I have some Materia to collect. Tweet


Hatchet II Pulled from AMC

If you haven’t heard the news by now: the press release is out and slasher movie Hatchet II has been yanked from theatres after only three days of its release.The uproar prior to this was director Adam Green’s big fight with the MPAA, because they maintained that the film should have an NC-17 rating. In a nutshell, it went…


Speed Limit

While I was doing my impromptu pre-summer tour up and down the East Coast and Tennnessee, I was thinking about math. (Yes, I’m a geek even when I’m driving.) So you’re on an interstate for, say, eight hours (give or take pit-stops for gas). The speed limit on said interstate is 70. (Unless you’re on I-81 along the ass-edge…


The Princess and the Dragon*Con (3 of 10)

Number Three of my Dragon*Con Top Ten:Meeting Paul McGillion(or: Earth to Atlantis; come in Atlantis)I mentioned earlier that due to my busy schedule I didn’t have many celebrity sightings this year – celebrity, of course, being someone of esteem that I don’t already have in my phone or on my Christmas card list. The two folks I caught a…


Discovery Night Launch

Yesterday morning on the radio I heard that the Discovery shuttle launch had been postponed until 11pm or midnight that night, and I seriously debated getting online to see if I could book a quick ticket to see my folks in Titusville. I’ve seen a shuttle launch live now so it’s officially crossed off my list, but a night…


Tell me, did Venus blow your mind?

I present to you a Geek girl’s brief review of Star Trek 2009: I cried at the beginning. I cried at the end. Hell, I almost cried when I heard the voice of the computer. I smiled when Grunny yelled at his "stepson," and when Amanda showed up on the bridge. For all my schoolgirl crush on Zachary Quinto,…


I am NOT a Cylon. I swear.

The subject of my next piece of artwork is a Brazilian witch named Bruxa Evora. My goal was to make her look a little like Morena Baccarin. NOT Tricia Helfer.  I think it’s the eyes.  And the chin. And…everything. Did some paint-overs last night. Got to love acrylics. Now if I could just get this stupid Bob Dylan song…