National Poetry Month, Day 27

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Gashlycrumb Tinies, by Edward Gorey. Beauty in a subversive alphabet…if The Wonderland Alphabet could be credited to anyone other than Lewis Carroll, it would be Edward Gorey. * * * Tweet


National Poetry Month, Day 24

In the wake of World Book Night, please enjoy some fun poetry from The Wonderland Alphabet! *********************** A A is for Alice, a curious girl Who fell very far through a hole in the world She followed a clock-watching rabbit, you see To a land full of wonder, and madness, and tea. * J I do not fear the…


Pick A Letter, Any Letter

  Google Alerts sent me to this really great review of The Wonderland Alphabet over at GEEKS OF DOOM. The review is gushing…which is ALWAYS nice…but the reviewer chooses J as her favorite poem. Which is funny, because when I first wrote the poetry for Janet’s art show, J was my favorite too. I do not fear the ticking…


Pics from New York Comic Con

I leave for the Waterworld Mermaid Writing Retreat in Ocean City, MD tomorrow — I am GOING TO FINISH THIS NOVEL REVISION by next week, no ifs, ands, or buts. (Unless I need them in a paragraph.) But I’ve come up for air after packing (…again…) to post my lovely pics from NYCC. As always, I wish there were…


AK and JKL in Wonderland at Sequential Tart

Janet and I just did a really great interview over at Sequential Tart. MAN they asked some good questions. I love the irony of doing interviews for The Wonderland Alphabet: Alice’s Adventures Through the ABCs and What She Found There — all my answers are wordier than the entire book. Heck, the title is almost wordier than the entire…


The Adventures of Supermermaid #1

Today is my blog day over at the Waterworld Mermaids, and I’m talking about my very first experience behind a table at a comic book convention–at HeroesCon just this past weekend! ********************** I am a comic book geek, dyed in the wool from the tender age when I could lift my first Archie Comics Digest. Casey and I loved…


The Wonderland Alphabet (flip preview)

The sneakiest preview of The Wonderland Alphabet you’ll ever get! How cute is this book?!? Still working on getting a definite date when this will be out — I know Amazon has had a different release date every other day (now it says June 19th), but who trusts Amazon anymore? They don’t even have the proper cover image. I…


The Secret’s Out!

Yes, sirree — I have TWO books coming out this year. Right around the same time Enchanted releases, THE WONDERLAND ALPHABET: Alice’s Adventures through the ABCs and What She Found There will hit bookstores and comic book shops all around the world. I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally talk about this project! It’s not the…