Dear Padawan

Ariell likes being called my Fairy Goddaughter far more than she likes being called my Padawan…but “protege” is so passe, isn’t it? I mean, once there’s a car named after it, the word doesn’t quite hold the same oomph. You might remember Ariell from her fabulous contribution to Kill Brian Keene Day. Since then, I’ve taken her under my…


Live from Mo*Con

We’re about to start Open Mic Night and I’m super excited. I’ve been asked to perform as Gretchen Von Stroodlehymen in a live-action rendition of Greg “The Funky Werepig” Hall’s infamous award-nominated paranormal romance “Dracula’s Winkie.” And then…well, then there will be a surprise. Kelli’s reading now from her Alphabet Book…not for small ears…shhhh….