Magical Words – Guest Blog!

The gorgeous and wonderful Faith Hunter invited me to do a guest post today over at Magical Words! “I Don’t Know How She Does It: Princess Alethea’s Top Ten List of Things to Remember When Publishing in Multiple Genres” My article is even longer than the title. I had a really big problem being brief. But it’s AWESOME, and I…


Princess Alethea @ The Book Smugglers

I’m guest-posting over at The Book Smugglers today — yes, an honest-to-goodness REALLY LONG BLOG POST ESSAY. Remember when I used to have time to do those? Find out what my inspirations and influences were while writing Enchanted…and other little things you may not know about me. Enjoy! xox


The Greatest Teacher You Never Had

I forgot to mention this a couple of weeks ago — I did a guest blog for the Disquieting Visions blog! The topic was about odd jobs, like the strangest one you’ve had and how it affected your writing career. I haven’t had *that* many different jobs in my lifetime (I just keep them for a really long time),…


Were-Fore Art Thou

Today’s blog entry can be found over at Evelyn M. Byrne’s “DO YOU KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR?” site. Evelyn has been hosting a whole series of essays about paranormal figures…this week has been about werewolves. For a different perspective on things, I offered her the idea behind the shapeshifting wolves in my story “Sweetheart Come” from the John Skipp anthology…


Happy Release Day to Me!

In honor of today’s release of AlphaOops: H is for Halloween, John Scalzi invited me to be his Big Idea for the day. In a very short & cute essay I cover the Big Idea behind AlphaOops in general and about H is for Halloween specifically. I explain exactly why my dedication reads the way it does.  I confess…