Amazon Affiliate Links

Dear friends and family: If you order any of my books off Amazon, please use these links. As part of the Amazon Associates program, I get a (very small) kickback from advertising fees. I turn that $$ into Amazon Gift Cards, which I use to purchase more inventory to have on hand while I travel (in case the bookstores…


Adam Ezra’s ENCHANTED Easter Egg

If you’re one of those folks who likes to know little background DVD-extras for novels, this one’s for you. At the end of the acknowledgments for ENCHANTED, I thank the Adam Ezra Group because I wrote most of the acknowledgements while waiting for their show to start at the 8×10 club in Baltimore, MD. I told the guys that…


A Hellaciously Long Dragon*Con Post

There are those days in our lives that we consider our Best Days. I’m not sure I could pick out one as The Best Day Ever, but there are certainly ones I will never forget: my high school graduation, Orson Scoot Card’s Boot Camp, selling my first book, really kissing Joe for the first time. The Saturday of Dragon*Con…



Some things in this life are just incredibly hard for even me to imagine. Leslie Banks not being in this world is one of them. Yes, I knew she was sick. I knew it was bad. Even that was hard enough to get my head around. In the grand scheme of things, this morning’s news was to be expected…


Tennesse Bound

…but first I have to put in a shift at the bookstore. That’s right, kiddies — this afternoon, I am headed back to Tennessee, for far less time than I’d like to stay, of course. One day I’ll kick the renter out of my house and use it as a summer spring winter home, but for now I must…


Nebula Princess

Juggling is a precious talent. It’s so much fun to see so many things flying in the air over your head. You feel so giddy when they’re up there, so proud of yourself that you have come so far and are able to do so much. In that moment, you’re on top of the world. God have mercy on…


Genre Chick Interview: Leanna Renee Hieber

Dear Month of Writers Blog Festival, It’s really no secret how much I love Leanna Renee Hieber. She’s my kindred spirit, my bosom companion, the Anne to my Diana…and my Dragon*Con roomie. She just had a book come out this month, and her brand new YA series debuts this November. And today, she gets to play our little game,…


Genre Chick Interview: Elaine Isaak

May’s Month of Writers Blog Festival brings you an interview with a wonderful and talented woman today: SF author Elaine Isaak. Elaine and I have been friends and fellow writing-group buddies for many years now. Rumor has it, you would not want to be her hero. And no, I’m *not* going to tell you her pseudonym. Not today, anyway….