The Stuff I Didn’t Say on Patreon

Warning: This post is not for the faint of heart. If you would like to continue to believe that my life is a magical fairyland where darkness never falls, read no further.  * Yesterday, I relaunched my Patreon Page in a big way. I made it shiny and welcoming and full of enthusiasm, with all the magic of a…


Alethea and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Magical Day

This is the thing I’ve been putting off…the thing that I must write before my brain can move on to the rest of my incredibly aggressive to-do list. I haven’t wanted to…heck, I haven’t wanted to do much of anything. We’ve all been stumbling around the house, grief-sick and exhausted, like there are weights on every limb of our…


Madeleine DeRonde (November 7, 1927-February 3, 2013)

Madeleine DeRonde passed peacefully surrounded by loved ones on February 3rd 2013. Madeleine was born at home in Montpelier during the Great Flood of 1927 to Emile and Augustine Gagne. She spent the entirety of her life in Montpelier, attending St. Michael’s Catholic School and St. Augustine’s Church. She was also a member of the Catholic Daughters of America,…


Amazon Affiliate Links

Dear friends and family: If you order any of my books off Amazon, please use these links. As part of the Amazon Associates program, I get a (very small) kickback from advertising fees. I turn that $$ into Amazon Gift Cards, which I use to purchase more inventory to have on hand while I travel (in case the bookstores…


All In the Family

YALSA’s The Hub published an article about “Finding a Strong Family Connection in YA…Yes, It Can Be Done!” So many YA books are about kids who are orphans, or who have difficult family situations. But there do exist some–a few–which concentrate on families working together to solve problems and help on adventures. (There just need to be more families…


Wedding Day

Today’s the day! Wish me luck with the family and the insanity. And wish my niece Alana luck–she’s the one getting herself into this. Heading out to Morrisville this morning–not sure if I will have phone & internet service or not. But I will have a black raspberry creamy and a trip to the Bijou, for sure. Have a…


In Which the Princess Comes Home

I am in Vermont this weekend for my niece’s wedding. It is good to be home again in my green mountains where the air just smells better than the rest of the world. Of course, it’s still a wedding. Which means drama. I’ll deal with that tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy the guest blog post I did today…


One Spectacular Birthday

When Leanna and I first came up with this crazy idea on the streets of New York City, it sounded silly. Sure, I could ask a bunch of my friends to wear tiaras on my birthday…but would they? Was this going to be the dumbest idea in the history of ideas? Was I going to regret my 1-11-11 birthday…