Six Degrees of Exasperation

This is all the fault of damnedrodan . He tagged me to do one of those "six random things about you" posts. I’m only doing it because six is brief. And I love Mark. Go buy one of his books. 1. My favorite tea is Red Rose Tea. It’s what my Greek grandmother drinks.2. One of my goals in life…


Anxiety Says What?

Anxiety dreams are born with us; they grow and evolve with us and take on many different shades. What scared us then doesn’t scare us now, and vice versa. Sometimes it’s not so much fear as it is general preoccupation, some deep-seeded nagging thing we’ve shoved to the bottom of our mental priority list for so long that its…


Whirrled-Con 2008

It’s an amazing feeling. You know, that feeling you get when you discover a new author. You put down the brilliant novel you’ve just finished, completely enraptured, and you hope this person has a ton of backlist that you can go straight to the nearest B&N and fill your shopping cart with. You can’t get enough of them. You’re…


History is Written by the Victors

I figured out why it was that I kept putting off writing about Mo*Con: history. Kelli Dunlap and I discussed this during one of our early-morning Garage Talk sessions — as writers, we have this special magical power to rewrite the parts of history that we don’t like. And you are all at our mercy. What happens at conventions?…


Maurice Broaddus: On True Beauty

Maurice wrote a lovely post a couple of weeks ago in his Friday Night Date Place series called True Beauty. And there’s a great picture in there of us from Once Upon a Time at World Horror Convention. “Beauty sometimes needs to be drawn out. Better stated, sometimes beauty doesn’t recognize its own preciousness.” –M. Broaddus Yeah, I got…


Why I’m a Writer

Mom just sent me this email — I have to remember sometimes that the world is way bigger than me. I forgot to tell you that yesterday as I was headed out to go to the dentist….I stopped to pull back the garbage can and my neighbor was just getting home with her little boy.  She ran over to…


Devin’s Wedding

My little brother is getting married this weekend. Technically we’re not related, but I don’t know what else to call the Ordoynes. We grew up next door to each other, and spent more time together than most “normal” families do. There was piracy on the lake and painted boats, wooden elves and trampolines, secret agent names and spy agendas,…