Every Monday while I’m on book tour for Enchanted, I’m going to share a fun music video that features love, fairy tales, magic, or my inspirations. Today’s song is “Fable” by Robert Miles. Those fans of the 1998 fairy tale classic Ever After may recognize this song from the film’s trailer…but it was lamentably not included in the soundtrack….
Launching the Dixie Dunbar Studio Fairy Tale line of jewelry is the “Sunday” necklace, inspired by the novel Enchanted. The necklace is made of simple chain, as befits a Woodcutter’s daughter, but the asymmetrical design is pure elegance. Like Sunday Woodcutter’s magical dress of silver and gold the third night of the prince’s ball, the Sunday necklace is comprised…
This essay is one of the “Lost Blogs” that was discovered in the wildlands of the intarwebs by my friend Eric James Stone after the publication of Beauty & Dynamite. I’m posting it in response to something Kelli wrote recently called “Boyfriend 47,”, an essay ranking the merits (or lack thereof) of the respective Disney princes. Personally, I think…