HERO 2024

HERO by Alethea Kontis

ENCHANTED GERMAN EDITION GOFUNDME: CLICK HERE TO HELP US OUT! 🇩🇪 NOW AVAILABLE HERO (main cover, HC dust jacket over rose case laminate) – Amazon | B&N | BookshopHERO (main cover, PB) – Amazon | B&N | BookshopHERO (rose cover, HC case laminate , color interior) – Amazon ExclusiveHERO (rose cover, PB, color interior) – Amazon Exclusive Audiobook…


Woodcutter Sibling Birth Order

Good morning, everyone! Lily asked a very good question on another post: “What’s the birth order of the Woodcutter siblings?” Obviously, Monday-Sunday are easy to figure out. It’s one of the reasons I liked using those names–with so many daughters in a family, I could have easily confused my readers. But what about the boys? At one point during…


It’s An Honor to be Nominated…Again!

I’ve had a really strange experience with contests in the RWA (Romance Writers Association). The year Enchanted came out, I asked my publisher for a box of books so that I might submit them to a bunch of RWA Chapter contests. I mean, Enchanted won the Gelett Burgess Award right out of the gate, so it was a shoe…


Waiting for Maleficent

(Now I want to write a parody play with this title. But that’s beside the point…) I was notified yesterday that The Huffington Post had cited THE ENTIRE WOODCUTTER SISTERS SERIES as part of a list of “10 Books to Read While Impatiently Waiting for Maleficent.” WOOHOOOO!!!!!!! Yeah, I’m still dancing about it. To read the article with the…



You would be amazed the the number of things we, as professional authors, are not allowed to announce to the public. Book deals, cover art, bestseller list placement and awards…just to name a few. In this Age of the Intarwebs, however, it’s tough to keep things under wraps. So it actually *thrills* me when someone leaks something (especially cover…


School Library Journal Loves HERO

It’s odd for a major review like this to appear so long after the book’s release…but better late than never! Also, I wholeheartedly support comparisons to the TV show Once Upon a Time. Some of us little people should benefit from The Giant Hammer of Disney, right? ************************* KONTIS, Alethea. Hero. Bk. 2. 304p. (Woodcutter Sisters Series). Houghton Harcourt….


Nominate Princess Alethea…for everything!

Okay…not *everything*. But I am happy to report that I have more than one work this year eligible for award nominations! Yay! * Best Novel /Andre Norton Award HERO (Fantasy, YA) — Second in the Woodcutter Sisters series of fairy tale mash-up novels. (Think “Once Upon a Time” meets “The Princess Bride”) Saturday Woodcutter is a girl with a…