Enchanted Banter

A lovely YouTube review for Enchanted from Bookshelf Banter! Kallie’s running an Enchanted ARC giveaway on her site that ENDS TODAY, so if you want a piece of the action you better get your bootie on over there to enter! Tweet


Princess Treasures!

Good morning, everyone! I’m home from the Big Apple and have already taken nap one for the day. Huzzah! The rest of the day will consist of: reading, napping, writing reviews, napping, and drinking LOTS of water. What are you up to this fine morning? Well, when you’re done with that, pop over to Treasured Tales for Young Adults…


May ENCHANTED Goodreads Giveaway!

It’s the time you’ve all been waiting for the May ENCHANTED Giveaway is here! Alethea gave away one signed ARC of her YA debut fairy tale novel ENCHANTED in January, February, March, and April. Now it’s May–official book release time! Alethea and Soteria (Sister power!) will be giving away a signed finished copy of the lovely ENCHANTED, along with…


Basically Amazing Alethea!

Basically Amazing Ashley has me over at her blog today for Fairy Tale Fortnight — “Today’s Fairy Tale Fortnight interview totally makes my day. Because it is with the author of my number one most anticipated release of 2012 and will be followed by a review of the book! I cannot even begin to describe how happy I am that…


April ENCHANTED Goodreads Giveaway!

Don’t forget, it’s time for for Round Four! The April ENCHANTED ARC Giveaway is here! Alethea will be giving away one signed ARC of her YA debut fairy tale novel ENCHANTED a month, until the May 26th launch of the book. That’s one for January, February, March, and April–a total of four ARCs. In May, Alethea will be giving…


Win an ARC of ENCHANTED! (International)

I almost don’t even need to advertise this giveaway — Soumi from the Pages from my Thoughts blog posted this giveaway yesterday, and OVER 3300 PEOPLE from all over the world are already signed up to win it! Are you? Why not? You never know… The drawing will happen two weeks from now, when Soumi hosts me on her…


Raffle Necklace Stats

This gorgeous necklace Soteria and I are raffling off contains faceted chunks of light and dark Amethyst with sterling baby chains, complete with sterling clasp and extendable chain. Measures from 16 1/2-19 inches on your neck (more chain can be added if necessary). Want to win it? Click here and Chip In a couple of bucks! Tweet