This is one of those projects I contributed to so long ago that I keep forgetting about it — The Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy, edited by Michael Knost.
Michael has set up a Kickstarter for the project — which has already reached its goal, hooray! — but I encourage you to click on over and check out some of the HILARIOUS horror spoof videos they made to promote it.
There’s still plenty of time to contribute to the fund (which is, effectively at this point, just a great way to preorder a copy of the book). Some info about what the money goes to:
Levels of Participation
There are seven levels of participation, six of which involve receiving a version of the book, ranging from the eBook to a limited hardcover edition. We invite you to look over the various levels and rewards in this campaign, the core of which serve effectively as a pre-order offer for The Writers’ Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
What does the money raised in this campaign go towards?
The money raised in this campaign goes towards paying pro-rates for collaborators, as well as cover art fees and other hard costs involved in producing this title. It will be issued in a limited hardcover edition, softcover, and various eBook formats.
My contribution to the piece: An interview with The Machine of Writing himself, Kevin J. Anderson.
Thanks in advance — I know you’ll enjoy it!