Bundles of Books Interview

Good morning, everyone! Today I’m popping by the Bundles of Books blog to have tea and chat with Sam about life, the universe and everything YA. Be sure to click over and read my lovely interview! (My interviews are always lovely. Besides, I might be talking about you.) xox


The “Sunday” Necklace

Launching the Dixie Dunbar Studio Fairy Tale line of jewelry is the “Sunday” necklace, inspired by the novel Enchanted. The necklace is made of simple chain, as befits a Woodcutter’s daughter, but the asymmetrical design is pure elegance. Like Sunday Woodcutter’s magical dress of silver and gold the third night of the prince’s ball, the Sunday necklace is comprised…


The Perils of Book Launching

I’ve learned so many things while launching Enchanted — I’m still learning. And not all of these things are good. Pop on over to the Waterworld Mermaids blog today, where I discuss the “Snakes and Snails” of launching a book. And please feel free to add to “Princess Alethea’s Fairly Short List of Things No One Tells You When…


A Plethora of Updates

The trouble with going on book tour when your book comes out is that all these wonderful things happen online when you’re on the road! So, in no particular order: ******************* Look Ma! I’m on stage directly after Neil Gaiman! Here is the online recording of the Nebula Awards Ceremony — I show up around 1:12:00, right after Neil…


Music Monday (Fairy Tale Edition)

Every Monday while I’m on book tour for Enchanted, I’m going to share a fun music video that features love, fairy tales, magic, or my inspirations. Today’s song is, appropriately, “The Frog Prince” by Keane. Several years ago I was looking for a new CD at the HMV in London, and a random woman handed me Keane’s Hopes and…


Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

New reviews are up at Intergalactic Medicine Show! I’m off for the next two months while on book tour — in the meantime, my review column will be usurped by my dear friend and fellow Codexian Jamie Todd Rubin. I for one am really looking forward to his reviews–which have a decidedly more sci-fi flavor. I’m hoping that after…


Anthology Builder Interview

Anthology Bulder is this really cool website, created several years ago by my friend & fellow Codexian Nancy Fulda. For only $14.95, you can create your own anthology from a vast archive of previously published stories form your favorite authors…or authors you’d like to try out. Going to a convention? Create a custom anthology of guests who will be…


Treasures Abound!

I’m over at Treasured Tales for Young Adults again today–wait, did I ever leave? Maybe I’ve been lurking in the corners all this time! You never know! We magical princesses are like that. Today is special, however, because Alishia is posting another EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENE from Enchanted, read by yours truly, all dressed up, on YouTube. What are you…