Gratuitous Dog Picture

I’m mentally composing a nice long blog about comma use in writing…but I just realized it’s now lunchtime and I still have a bunch of errands to run. So, to tide you over until later, here’s a happy gratuitous picture of Lucky & Ginger. I’m so glad THEY are getting some sleep. *grumble* I swear, by the time I…


Princess Adventures

It’s always an adventure in the land where Princess Alethea reigns. This week, The Fairy Godboyfriend and I are dogsitting (and so far haven’t slept through the night, as Ginger and Lucky get used to tenants coming and going from the apartment complex at all hours). Last week, I had an adventure in self-publishing. As I’d mentioned earlier, dear…


Happily Ever After

So there’s this amazing book coming out in June that you need to know about. Once Upon A Time… …in the faraway land of Story, a Hugo-winning Editor realized that no one had collected together the fairy tales of the age, and that doorstop-thick anthologies of modern fairy tales were sorely lacking… And so the Editor ventured forth, wandering…


Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 11

Episode 11: “Fitcher’s Bird” (8:07) Known also as “Fitcher’s Brides” and “Bluebeard,” this is the infamous fairy tale about a serial killer. Fair warning: the story does contain scenes where maidens are hacked to bloody pieces. But worry not, for everything turns out okay in the end…if mass-murderous revenge is your idea of “okay.” What lessons do we take…


My First Kindle Mini-Collection

For only $2.99! Small Magics and Other Stories contains: “Small Magics” “Unicorn Gold” “The Giant and the Unicorn” “The Scientist’s Daughter” “The Monster & Mrs. Blake” “Unicorn Gold” and “The Scientist’s Daughter” are original to this collection and have never before appeared in print. These stories are all YA appropriate and would be fun for middle-grade readers and above….


Little Essays Everywhere

This week, I’m working on making some of my stories available in digital format (for only $0.99 each). I understood that there would be a decently steep learning curve since I’m a bit of a technoidiot, but I still wanted to soak up as much about this thing that is digital publishing as I could. I’m learning all about…



If a writer plans to include a significant other in her life, this person needs to understand a LOT. It helps if this person is an avid reader. It helps if this person already has friends who are crazy, emotional, melodramatic, workaholic writers. It helps if this person is internet or technologically savvy. It helps if this person is…


Small World, Chapter Infinity

A few weeks ago, Joe and I took two rowdy Canadians to see the Adam Ezra Group…a couple of times. By the second event, we were exchanging hugs with the band like we’d known them for years and getting on each other’s Christmas Card lists. Their tour took them from DC down to Florida and Georgia. They swung back…