This is my friend Leanna. She is very excited in this photo because she has won TWO Prism Awards. I am jealous of her, because one day *I* would like to win a Prism Award.
Maybe in 2013.
What is the Prism Award? Well, it’s this very lovely crystal pyramid you can win from the FF&P (Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal) Chapter of the RWA (Romance Writers of America).
Are you eligible for the Prism Award? Categories are Dark Paranormal, Light Paranormal, Futuristic, Fantasy, Time Travel/Steampunk, Erotica/Romantica, Novella, and Young Adult. All works must be published in 2010 and have both romantic and the aforementioned elements to qualify.
Is there an entry fee? Yup. $30. Come on. You can handle it. It supports WRITERS. Skip a few lattes and enter.
What do they need this year? Entries are light in Young Adult, Time Travel/Steampunk, and Futuristic. If there are less than ten entries in a category, then no award will be given this year AND WE DON’T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN. It also means your chances of winning in these categories is very, very good.
Where do I go for details and the entry form? Why, the RWA FF&P official site, of course: click here.
Good luck!