Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

New reviews are up at Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show! Title: In Dreams Begin Author: Skyler White EAN: 9780425236956 Three things instantly struck me when I started Skyler White’s In Dreams Begin. The first was the gorgeous fluidity of the prose. Skyler has obviously studied poets and is also one herself; she writes in a way that makes…


The Car Window Epiphany

It was a gorgeous day, too gorgeous to experience in the confines of a car. I rolled the window down part way…and then rethought my decision after immediately experiencing the wind and the noise that resulted. Defeated, I rolled the window back up…and learned something new. Fairy GodBoyfriend: Did you fart? Princess: Excuse me? FGB: Did you fart? Princess:…


Sunset 12/27/10

I waked by the dining room table and realized that the light coming in through the closed porch blinds was orange-pink. And it wasn’t the Christmas lights. It was this amazing sky: This was taken with my iPhone and is not touched up at all. Simply breathtaking.


Merry Christmas!

Hope you’re having the merriest of Christmas Days, no matter what you celebrate. Santa was good to our little tree…we’ve even had some flurries today but nothing has stuck yet. Fingers crossed we get some white, but perhaps not as much as is predicted to dump on NY tonight. Everyone contributed to the Christmas Feast tonight — Joe’s cooking…


Fascinating New Things

As Murphy’s punishment for staying off the internet yesterday and cleaning the house (like the Fairy Goddaughters’ rooms weren’t punishment enough), I missed a couple of Fascinating New Things: 1.) There’s a new Llamas with Hats episode. I’m guessing I was probably the only one who didn’t Tweet about it, but here’s the link in case you missed it….


Fangirl Moment

I finished the edits for SUNDAY last night and sent them in (waaaaay early) to my editor as a Yule gift. I promised the Fairy GodBoyfriend that I’d take it easy today, so there’s going to be a lot of resting, cleaning the house, and watching Christmas movies. I may pop back in here and chat about the edits…


Unfollow the Yellow Brick Road

Yesterday, a few people and I were having a discussion about the drama associated with “unfollowing” on Twitter. I’ve discussed this phenomenon before, here on this blog, but I wanted to bring up a few new points. Here are some reasons I’ve stopped following people on Twitter: 1.) constantly listing their location (damn you, foursquare!) 2.) constantly Blipping music…


‘Tis the Season to be Watching

Every year when I put up my Christmas tree, I watch Irving Berlin’s White Christmas. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that it’s my favorite Christmas movie. There are a few others I watch fairly religiously–pun intended–and sometimes even in this order, so I guess you could say those are my favorites too. Here’s a handy list for…


The Royal Christmas Tree

I wanted to take this picture in the dark, so you could get the full effect of our fabulous little Christmas tree: It’s a little Frankenstein and a little Charlie Brown, and I love it to pieces.


Literacy for Tots

Everybody’s heard of the Marine Toys for Tots foundation. Did you know that they have a Literacy Program as well? Because the gift of words keeps on giving far longer than the batteries in that shiny robot. The program accepts new books only: To support the program in your community, please contact your local The UPS Store or Mail…