“Hello, my name is…”

Everybody gets the story this month—Patrons and blog readers and social media followers alike. Everybody. Because I’m the Princess, and I said so. * Hello, My Name Is… Katy. Simi. Justin. Ursula. Dallas. Kathryn. Bill. An unconscionable amount of good people have left this world since my birthday in January. Want to know the worst part? I feel like…


No Thank YOU!

An author doesn’t just write a book. An author writes a story, gives it to her editor, and her editor comes back with a page (or three) of editorial comments that need to be dealt with. The author revises. The editor comes back again (on track changes, if you’re lucky) for more fixes. The author revises. Then a copyeditor…


Thank You, Thank You!

Thank you, bloggers and readers worldwide, for your interest in ENCHANTED. Trust me, however excited you are about the book, I promise I am TEN TIMES MORE EXCITED. At least. This is my very first novel. It’s something I’ve been waiting my whole life for…and now it’s here. ENCHANTED has already begin releasing from the HMH warehouse. The Turn…


So Much to be Thankful For

I am thankful for amazing sunsets that last for hours on long road trips. I have always loved sunsets, ever since I was a little girl taking pictures with her father’s ancient Minolta with the huge telephoto attachment. I am also thankful for all this fabulous photo technology at our fingertips so that we might share the beautiful visions…


You Guys ROCK.

Dude, I went to bed thinking I’d be lucky if one or two people responded to lay eyes on this manuscript real quick. By the time I woke up this morning I had been contacted by TEN PEOPLE, and more have been flooding in who missed last night’s window. I am humbled at this outpouring of generosity. You guys…


Just Can’t Help Myself

I was only going to edit one chapter tonight, but everybody went to bed and I just couldn’t stop. Finally, after far too long a time, I am finished with what feels like the umpteenth revision of HAVEN, my YA paranormal/horror novel. It’s 70K words, and I’m looking for some pre-readers who can get back to me fairly quickly….