Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

New reviews! Author C. C. Finlay and I were Tweeting the other day about Jane Austen — he had just read Pride & Prejudice for the first time and was essentially wondering how he’d lived his whole life thus far without it. Like any Austenite worth her salt, I then advised him to seek out the A&E miniseries of…


A is for Princess

You might remember Steven Saus from the “Year of Steves” blog earlier this year, or from my interview with him back in March about the story he had in the Timeshares anthology.I did all these things ’cause I just think Steve’s a cool guy. I certainly didn’t expect anything in return. However, true to form in this beloved SF…


This Just In

AlphaOops: H is for Halloween is scheduled to appear in the “Our Favorite Things” section in the October 2010 issue of Disney’s FamilyFun. Woohoo! Now I just need to remember to get my hands on said issue. I’m interested to know exactly what that pesky Mouse and his polka-dot-wearing gal pal are saying about this princess behind her back….


Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

New reviews! Title: Swords & Dark Magic: The New Swords & Sorcery Editors: Lou Anders & Jonathan Strahan EAN: 9780061723810 Ah, Summertime. The time for cookouts and beach balls and lemonade. For bibliophiles, it’s the time of mass-market paperbacks and anthologies. Why lug Umbert Eco into your hammock when you could have a relaxing love story, a swashbuckling swordfight,…


Who’s The Princess?

That’s right. I’m the princess. Maurice Broaddus just posted this teaser poster for next year’s Mo*Con along with his con report for this year. (Check out his snazzy new website!)  Credit goes to Bob Freeman for its creation.


A Rigabamboo

Patented by Princess Pat — I believe this is something I, as Princess Alethea, should look into. In the meantime, check out these awesome pics from last night’s Girl Scout Talent Show in Red Lion (click on the pirates). It was short and sweet, but a lot of fun. It’s just a shame the battery on Qwee’s camera died…


Happy Birthday, Stephan Pastis!

Almost two years ago, Stephan Pastis, creator of Pearls Before Swine, released his The Grass Menagerie collection of comic strips.I shamelessly used this as an excuse to tie him up in an hour-long phone interview. We had a lot of fun. Stephan’s a great guy — as many people who read his blog or visit Facebook have come to…


Princess Alethea’s Magical Elixir

Princess Alethea’s new book reviews are now up at Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. This month I discuss: Title: Quatrain Author: Sharon Shinn EAN: 9780441017584 My friend Gayle held this book tight to her chest on the day she gave it to me. “I know you really like Sharon Shinn,” she said, “but I have to say, it’s…