The Princess Pendragon

This week, Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre makes a guest appearance on the genre ladies podcast Pendragon Variety (Episode 32). The tale they’ve chosen to feature as an Editor Favorite is “The Giant & the Tailor.” I must say these ladies and their tales amuse me greatly. This particular podcast starts out with a pretty fabulous “That’s what she…


Princess Elsewhere

Today’s my day to blog over at Waterworld Mermaids — the topic is dialogue. If you have the time and inclination, please hop on over and share whatever insight you have! * Also, my post-apocalyptic dystopian SF story “The Unicorn Tree” has been podcasted over at Cast of Wonders. The story was originally published in the Zero Gravity anthology…


While You’re Listening…

…I’ll add a bit more to your podcasty day. There’s a great interview on Pendragon Variety on writing and editing and sundries with my good friend Edmund Schubert, writer and editor of Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. I highly recommend it. There are some good things in here. Plus, Edmund has a GREAT speaking voice. Hearing it just…