The Princess of Many Half-Completed Movements

“She eased closer to him, studying his face. As if he might be someone she knew but didn’t fully recognize. She shifted to one side and checked his profile, reached out like she might ruffle his hair. He was hoping, but she didn’t. She was a girl of many half-completed movements.” –Tom Piccirilli, November Mourns November Mourns was the…


Tennesse Bound

…but first I have to put in a shift at the bookstore. That’s right, kiddies — this afternoon, I am headed back to Tennessee, for far less time than I’d like to stay, of course. One day I’ll kick the renter out of my house and use it as a summer spring winter home, but for now I must…


The New Do

Yup, got my hair cut & styled on the way to Hypericon yesterday. Of course, the humidity took some of the pin-up girlness out of it before I got here, but I still love it. Almost as much as I love Angie, my stylist at The Edge Salon in Belle Meade!


Hypericon Schedule

It’s crazy…I have SO many things I’d like to post about, but my sister worked me like a Draft Horse when I was in Charleston last week, and now I’m in TN with a very short time in which to pack up my entire house…oddly enough, there may be more posts during Hypericon this weekend, when I am forced…


Julie Kagawa Interview @ Fantasy Magazine

When I met Julie Kagawa last year at Hypericon in Nashville, her book wasn’t slated to be out for eight months and I had already heard major buzz on it. So I was thrilled to have the opportunity to have a little chat with her about it over at Fantasy Magazine. Click here to read the interview — it’s…