Genre Chick Interview: Stephan Pastis

Who wouldn’t want to know more about a man who visits you every day and hangs out in your kitchen? This month, I cozied happily up to Stephan Pastis, fellow Greek and supertalented creator of the irreverently hilarious comic strip Pearls Before Swine. I had the hardest time trying to find a conference room in which to interview Stephan–it’s…


Genre Chick Interview: Shannon K. Butcher

Shannon Butcher’s contemporary romance novel No Regrets debuted last winter. Its follow-up, the sexy thriller No Control , has just released, and it is already a favorite in the Secret Inner Circle of Ingram’s genre book club. Join me as I talk to Shannon about the Delta Force, chasing tornadoes, and life with her husband, author Jim Butcher (The…


Genre Chick Interview: Robin McKinley

In 1985, Robin McKinley won the Newbery Medal for her novel The Hero and the Crown. In just a few decades, she has traversed the world of legends from fairy tales to elementals to vampires. In her latest novel, Dragonhaven, she explores–you guessed it–dragons. Ever a lover of girls with swords and magic that turns beasts into princes, Genre…


Genre Chick Interview: Jeff Carlson

If you like to sleep at night, stay away from this book!  Jeff Carlson’s pulse-pounding debut novel, Plague Year, has turned the world of science-fiction thrillers completely upside down. The undaunted and unafraid Genre Chick Alethea Kontis dons her hazmat gear and gets extreme with the Bionic Man. *********************** Alethea Kontis:  Plague Year has one of the most terrifying…


Genre Chick Interview: Anne McCaffrey

The reigning Grand Dame of Science Fiction, Anne McCaffrey is known to many as “The Dragonlady.” To me, she is the permanent resident of at least two entire bookshelves crammed full of cherished (and often re-read) titles. I leapt at the chance to interview this fascinating woman who has done more in her 81 amazing years on this planet…


Genre Chick Interview: Kevin J. Anderson

his month, Genre Chick Alethea Kontis puts on her best cowgirl hat and learns how to wrestle sandworms from real-life superhero Kevin J. Anderson. Whether master of ceremonies, mentor, or writing machine, this “Mister Anderson” is always at the top of his game. ********************************** New York Times-bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson is a fantastic guy and a machine, all…


Genre Chick Interview: Sean Williams

Ever the world traveler, Genre Chick Alethea Kontis takes us into the Australian Outback for this month’s interview with New York Times bestselling author Sean Williams. Find out what a cool place Australia is, how fascinating twins can be, and whether or not writing a book is harder than becoming someone’s other half. ************************** The dashing Sean Williams is…


Genre Chick Interview: C.E. Murphy

She looks like a superhero, she travels all over the world, and her books will seep into your subconscious and make you wonder about your wildest dreams. Meet Genre Chick Alethea Kontis’s new best friend, urban fantasist C.E. Murphy–author of Coyote Dreams (The Walker Papers). **************************** I met Catie Murphy on a bus. We were both staying in the…