Genre Chick Interview: Peter S. Beagle

Alethea Kontis: You call yourself an “occasional musician.” How much do you play/sing anymore? Peter S. Beagle: I don’t have any regular gigs now, as I used to when I lived in Santa Cruz. I haven’t really had one for well over 20 years. So I sing on occasion, when I’m asked. A couple of weeks ago in Tulsa,…


Horrorfind 2009 Pics

The pictures from Horrorfind Weekend are up! I’ll be posting them to Facebook too, but if you want the captions & tags, you’ll have to check out the official Picasa album. Just click on the big happy family. Tweet


Horrorfind Weekend 2009

I’m home, finally, and I have got to get to bed. Tomorrow expect lots of updates and tons of pictures. In the meantime, please enjoy the BEST PICTURE OF THE WEEKEND, which I believe epitomizes everything about Horrorfind. What would YOU caption this? Tweet


The Princess and the Dragon*Con (3 of 10)

Number Three of my Dragon*Con Top Ten:Meeting Paul McGillion(or: Earth to Atlantis; come in Atlantis)I mentioned earlier that due to my busy schedule I didn’t have many celebrity sightings this year – celebrity, of course, being someone of esteem that I don’t already have in my phone or on my Christmas card list. The two folks I caught a…


The Princess & The Dragon*Con (2 of 10)

Number Two of the Dragon*Con Top Ten:Assimilating the Twitterverse Twitter existed last Labor Day weekend, but it was about as prevalent then as the iPhone. Now that most of the appleminded have wised up and we’re all jacked in,  the Twitterverse was alive and well in the fourth dimension. I tagged all my own tweets with the #dragoncon hashtag,…


The Princess and the Dragon*Con (part 1 of 10)

This entry would have happened earlier, but as many of you know (how many mothers do I have on Twitter?) I came home from Atlanta and promptly got horribly sick. In the last week I’ve caught up on a lot of TV…and I relived Dragon*Con. I searched YouTube for recordings of the parade. I posted all my pics to…


Post-con Princess

This is the scene in my dining room. It’s looked this way for a week now, because I came home sick from Dragon*Con AND I’M STILL SICK. I’m a healthy person. I’m not used to these illnesses that take two weeks to clear up. After seven days I have to admit…this is driving me nuts. Granted I’ve caught up on pretty much…


Dragon*Con Scavenger Hunt!

AnthologyBuilder’s Dragon*Con Scavenger Hunt Our secret agents are stalking the convention circuit looking for AnthologyBuilder badge wearers. If they spot you, you’ll receive a free gift certificate or anthology! WorldCon Dragon Con World Fantasy Philcon Badges are reusable, so collect and save them for future events! How to Win at Dragon*Con: Since DragonCon is so huge, we’re offering a…